Are you an importer?

Would you like to import product of the highest quality,
unique, 100% made in Italy, with unmistakable packaging?
Our export office is at your disposal.

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Why choose our products?

Italian food is an invaluable asset. In every Donna Francesca gourmet product, there is an experience made of Italian tradition and beauty, a particular spark that creates that originality of Made in Italy sought after all over the world. The relationship we establish with our importers is solid because it is based on the trust of our continuous assistance. The excellence of the products is associated with the possibility of a low order quantity and packaged products that are always fresh before their departure.

prodotti-customizzabili-and-tailor-made donna francesca

Tailor-made products
according to customer needs

100% made in italy

Short Supply Chain

Without added fats

Without artificial flavors, without preservatives; without dyes

All our products are
Gluten Free


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